SOVI BattleGround Monetary System
Battleground Trophy Monetary Circulation
Battle ground 0 Trophy = 200% $SOVI consumed within its assemble phase Battle ground 0 card claim uses $SOVI
Battle ground 1 Trophy = 150% $SOVI consumed within its assemble phase Battle ground 1 card claim uses $SOVI
Battle ground n+1 Trophy : If TWAP of Battleground n-1/TWAP of Battleground n >= 120%, Battle ground n+1 Trophy = 100% $SOVI consumed within its assemble phase Battle ground n+1 card claim uses $HT, all received $HT will be transferred into $SOVI Dao Alliance. If TWAP of Battleground n-1/TWAP of Battleground n < 120%, And TWAP of Battleground n-1/TWAP of Battleground n >= 80% Battle ground n+1 Trophy = 110% $SOVI consumed within its assemble phase Battle ground n+1 card claim uses $SOVI If TWAP of Battleground n-1/TWAP of Battleground n < 80% Battle ground n+1 Trophy = 120% $SOVI consumed within its assemble phase Battle ground n+1 card claim uses $SOVI
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